Greens Applaud National Talk on School Disadvantage

Australian Greens

The Greens have welcomed comments by former secretary of the federal Department of Education, Dr Michele Bruniges, examining disadvantage in Australian schools.

As stated by Greens spokesperson on Primary and Secondary Education, Senator Penny Allman-Payne:

"Dr Bruniges' work on disadvantage in schools confirms that public schools are doing more and more of the heavy lifting in terms of educating disadvantaged students.

"Our current system of schooling is hollowing out many of our public schools, particularly in growth areas, and forcing parents to make tough decisions for their kids.

"It's not a real choice for parents when both the local private and public school receive taxpayer money, but only one is expected to cater to disadvantaged kids.

"I strongly welcome a national conversation about disadvantage in schools and I thank Dr Bruniges for her work with all sectors on this research.

"We need to start asking all schools that receive public money to cater to the needs of the public. That could mean a serious conversation around common standards or catchment areas for any school that receives taxpayer funding.

"In my view, every proportional increase in private school enrollments is a public policy failure, especially when they are publicly funded schools too.

"I was a public school teacher for over 25 years, and I know that the vast majority of parents and carers would prefer to be able to send their kids to a properly resourced local public school.

"Australia's future relies on public education. Only the Greens fully support public schools - we'll fund them, build them, and make them free for all kids."

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