Greens Pitch New Inner North Suburb, School

Australian Greens

Greens Leader Shane Rattenbury will today deliver his formal reply to the ACT Budget, saying bold and transformative ideas are needed to tackle the housing crisis and make Canberra a truly liveable city.

"Land is the most precious resource we have in the ACT and we need to use it carefully to maximise community benefit," Mr Rattenbury said. "But right now, horses have their own light rail stop while there's a desperate need for more homes in central areas."

"The concept plans we're releasing today lay out our vision for the current site of the racecourse, and it's an example of our vision for the whole city: investing directly in public housing, connecting communities with great public transport, improving the health of the local environment and stopping endless urban sprawl.

"Labor and the Liberals would be content with the racing industry making millions from some luxury properties on that site, but the Greens want to deliver maximum community benefit - thousands of homes, a school, great community facilities, and revenue the government can reinvest in this community."

The Greens' concept master plan for the land bounded by the Barton Highway, Northbourne Avenue and Flemington Road includes:

  • 4,200 - 5,000 homes, including 540 public and community homes, a Common Ground social housing development, and a retirement village, with the suburb to house a total of around 10,000 people
  • New P-10 school and early learning centre
  • Health facility, such as the Greens' free bulk-billed GP clinic
  • Community hall, town square and art studio space
  • Environment community hub with subsidised rent to host services like a repair cafe, recycling hub and community pantry
  • Shared parks, community gardens and a microforest
  • Re-naturalised Sullivans Creek to become a haven for wildlife, and a walking and riding corridor
  • Fully walkable neighbourhood with pedestrian-oriented streets
  • Shops, restaurants, retail and commercial offices
  • Maximising use of existing Light Rail stops opposite EPIC and Phillip Avenue.

"This is a comprehensive vision for a thriving local community in a central area of Canberra. All this is possible, if you vote for it," said Jo Clay MLA, who is recontesting her seat in Ginninderra.

"Only the Greens are prepared to challenge the idea that somehow the racing industry is entitled to rake in profits from private development on that site. We say the government should take back ownership and return development profits to the community.

"This is an idea to get really excited about. It's exactly where Canberra needs more housing, particularly public and community housing, and more community facilities.

"If we are serious about climate change, transit-oriented development and the housing crisis we must take the opportunity to redevelop this site to meet the needs of the community," Ms Clay said.

This announcement builds on the Greens election commitments to build and buy 10,000 additional public homes, deliver four free bulk-billing GP clinics across Canberra and make public transport a better option for more Canberrans.

See the full resolution Master Plan and more detail about the proposed new suburb at

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