Today, the Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Spokesperson for Animal Welfare, Senator Mehreen Faruqi introduced a bill to legislate the end date for the phase-out of live sheep export by sea, to be 1 May 2026, the start of the northern hemisphere summer.
- The Legislate the Date to End Live Sheep Export Bill 2024.
- The purpose of the bill is to legislate the end date for the phase-out of live sheep export by sea from Australian territory, to be 1 May 2026, the start of the northern hemisphere summer, which is exceptionally brutal for live sheep exports.
This bill comes as the Government continues its utter silence on legislating a date, despite the Labor party's election promise to ban live sheep export and the Minister having the phase-out panel's report for four months.
The majority of Australians support a phase-out approach to ending live export by sea. Independent polling, commissioned by Senator Faruqi's office in June 2023, revealed that 85% of Australians support a phase-out of live sheep export and in Western Australia, where the majority of the live export industry operates, 71% of people support the phase-out according to independent polling commissioned by RSPCA from May 2023.
As stated by Senator Mehreen Faruqi:
"There is no time to waste. Labor must urgently legislate the date to end live sheep export if they are serious about keeping their promise to end this trade in misery.
"No more delay after delay, excuse after excuse, while more animals continue to suffer and die.
"It's clear the industry does not give a damn about the animals and their welfare, all they care about is their profits come hell or high water. The industry has long tried to hide and downplay the true extent of suffering involved in live export.
"If the government is serious about animal welfare and ending live sheep exports, it must legislate an end date within this term of parliament and announce a swift phase-out plan.
"I thank and commend the ongoing and courageous efforts of animal welfare advocates, whistleblowers and activists who have exposed the cruelty of the industry and the failures of the government. It is because of their tireless work that we know the extent of suffering animals face in live export.
"I hope those in parliament who care about animals will support my bill so we have a guaranteed date for ending this cruel trade."
As stated by Jed Goodfellow, Co-Founder of Australia Alliance for Animals:
"The time for action is now. The transition process is already underway and what we're asking from the Albanese Government is for it to formalise the phase out in legislation.
"There's no excuse for the Federal Government to delay legislating the phase-out date any longer."