The Tasmanian Greens are pushing a disallowance motion in the Legislative Council to stop Hydro investing more in renewable energy.
I never thought I would see the day that Eric Abetz cared more about addressing climate change than the Greens, but here we are.
Tasmanians are proud of our state's clean, green energy reputation built off the back of the Hydro.
The Greens are a movement opposed to renewable energy at their core . They were against the dams, are still trying to drain Lake Pedder and they teamed up with the Liberals in the 1990s which led to the Hydro being put up for sale. They have since opposed every single wind farm development in Tasmania.
On the other hand, the Liberals' failure to deliver more renewables to the state is costing Tasmania billions of dollars of investment and has led to an increased reliance on imported coal and gas power from the mainland.
Tasmania has lost three major hydrogen projects after proponents were told there is no power available at any price. It has also meant that at least a dozen businesses have been told their investments cannot proceed until new energy projects are built.
Tasmania needs to do everything we can to increase on-island renewable energy generation, but bizarrely, the Greens are standing in the way.
Labor stands for safe, secure, well-paid jobs and we'll always back new renewable energy developments which help grow our economy and enhance our clean green reputation.
Dean Winter MP
Labor Leader