Greens Leader Adam Bandt announced today that the Greens would preference Labor ahead of the Liberals across the country. Greens Local and State branches finalised preference recommendations for how-to-vote cards this week ahead of early voting polling booths opening on May 9.
Greens how-to-vote cards, distributed at polling booths, will recommend a preference for Labor above the Coalition and place other right wing parties last. The Greens will also recommend a preference for climate independents in key Liberal held seats.
In the Senate the Greens will also recommend preferences to progressive candidates and Labor.
Door knocking with volunteers in his electorate of Melbourne today, Mr Bandt also reminded voters that they decide where to put their preferences, not political parties.
The Greens are running in 151 seats across the country and Greens preferences will be critical in many key marginal seats.
The Greens will preference Labor over the Liberals.
This election, we need to kick the Coalition out.
If you follow the Greens' how-to-vote you'll be helping kick Scott Morrison out & your preferences will go to Labor.