The Consumers Health Forum thanks the Minister for Health, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, for his service to healthcare especially during the challenges of the COVID pandemic and the national vaccination rollout.
"Minister Hunt has progressed a forward-thinking vision for Australia's healthcare system," the CEO of the Consumers Health Forum (CHF), Leanne Wells, says.
Minister Hunt, who has held the health portfolio since 2017, will retire from Parliament at the next Federal Election in 2022 to spend more time with his family.
Ms Wells said that consumers and members represented by the CHF were grateful to Minister Hunt for his support and openness to long-term policy planning for Australians.
Minister Hunt reached out to the Consumers Health Forum early in his Ministership, in 2017, to explain and consult his vision for a National Long Term Health Plan.
"CHF advocated for a consumer focus in these initiatives and were able to have regular opportunities for consultation and engagement in the development of two key pillars in the Plan: the Ten-Year Primary Health Care Plan, and the National Preventive Health Strategy," said Ms Wells.
"Not only did Mr Hunt continue to promote and advance these long-term policy plans, but through his leadership and stewardship, Australia has accomplished an outstanding achievement with the current high national vaccination rate," said Ms Wells.
To date, 92.6% of Australians over 16 have had their first dose of the vaccine and 87.4% have had two doses.
"Minister Hunt continued to put out an enormous body of work alongside the heavy-lifting required for the pandemic," said Ms Wells.
"We would like to thank the Minister for recognising the need for diverse voices in policy design, and in particular his support for the Youth Health Forum. We wish the Minster well in in his personal life and future endeavours," said Ms Wells.