Gummies Warning For South Australia

South Australians are being warned not to consume Uncle Frog's Mushroom Gummies after several people across the country were admitted to hospital experiencing the effects of unexpected toxicity.

A South Australian male in his teens was found in an unresponsive state earlier this month after eating several of the gummies. He was provided with treatment and has now recovered.

At least five people in New South Wales have also required treatment after ingesting the gummies.

A recall has been issued by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand for the following products, which are sold online:

  • Uncle Frog's Mushroom Gummies - Cordyceps
  • Uncle Frog's Mushroom Gummies - Lion's Mane.

The signs and symptoms of toxicity include nausea and/or persistent vomiting, seizure like activity and involuntary movement such as arms or legs twitching, and rapid eye movement, disturbing hallucinations, drowsiness or loss of consciousness, dizziness or light headedness, anxiety and a racing heart or pulse.

If you or someone you know has consumed one of these gummies and experiences the above symptoms or are unwell, please contact the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26. In an emergency, always call Triple Zero (000).

Quotesattributable to Public Health Medical Consultant, Dr Kimberly Humphrey

If you have theseproducts at home, dispose of them immediately, and keep them out of reach ofchildren and pets to avoid accidental consumption.

The noted effects ofthese gummies are alarming. We are working closely with other jurisdictions tourgently investigate exactly what these products contain.

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