The Liberal government's failure to deliver on the Launceston General Hospital redevelopment has left the project in a permanent state of limbo.
Shadow Health Minister Anita Dow said since the release of the LGH masterplan last year there has been no progress on the promised upgrade.
"At last year's early election, Peter Gutwein promised the people of Bass the government would undertake a $580 million redevelopment of the LGH," Ms Dow said.
"Yet, in the Budget that followed the election, not a cent was allocated for the project, meaning the signature health commitment of the Gutwein Government is yet to be funded.
"Here we have yet another example of the hallmark of this Government - all announcement, no delivery.
"And when given the opportunity in Parliament today to confirm funding would be included in the next State Budget, Peter Gutwein refused and deflected, instead re-announcing some aspects of the plan, and promising another plan announcement soon.
"Tasmanians need better leadership. The Gutwein government is failing to deliver for Tasmanians."
Anita Dow MP
Shadow Health Minister