Premier Peter Gutwein has refused calls to save jobs at Hydro Tasmania after the company revealed it was gearing up to sack five per cent of its work force.
Shadow Minister for Energy David O'Byrne said the Premier had turned his back on Tasmanians who were set to lose their jobs.
"Premier Peter Gutwein and Minister for Energy Guy Barnett continue to duck for cover when Tasmanian jobs are on the line," Mr O'Byrne said.
"This Government has promised a renewable energy jobs bonanza yet they are happy to stand by as the Hydro board cuts jobs.
"The Premier's refusal to intervene is at odds with his promise to create jobs and is another massive broken promise.
"It was only months ago that Mr Barnett denied any knowledge of job cuts and restructures at Hydro, yet we saw a backflip on this last week.
"These cuts have been made by the Hydro board and CEO with clear endorsement from the Government as the Premier confirmed they had been briefed and forewarned.
"This Government cannot stand by as Hydro Tasmania is being pulled apart and the Government must intervene to save Tasmanian jobs."
David O'Byrne MP
Shadow Minister for Energy