Hard Waste Collection 2025

Time to clear out the garage – there will be a Borough wide hard waste collection on Saturday the 10th of May. Please place your hard waste on your nature strip for collection after Saturday the 3rd of May.

Hard Waste is material that cannot fit in your kerbside (red lid) rubbish bin. Hard waste items must not weight more than 32 kilograms, be no longer than 1.2 metres or wider/deeper than 0.6 metres. Please use your kerbside bin to dispose of smaller items.

Any electronic waste, or e-waste (anything with a plug, cord or battery) won't be accepted, so save those for the e-waste collection day occurring on the 17th of May at the Ocean View Carpark. For more information on the e-waste collection day, head here.

For more information, including what can and can't be collected, click on the button below.

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