Hardy Class Action Settlement Reached

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Today, the Honourable Gary Anandasangaree, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs, and Minister responsible for the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, and Ann Cecile Hardy, court-appointed representative plaintiff, jointly announced that a proposed Settlement Agreement has been reached in the Federal Indian Hospitals (Hardy) class action.

Over the past five years, the Government of Canada and counsel for the plaintiffs have been engaged in discussions to resolve this litigation outside of the courts. With the signing of this proposed Settlement Agreement, Canada has agreed to provide individual compensation to former patients who suffered verbal, psychological, physical, and/or sexual abuse at a Federal Indian Hospital ("Hospital").

Canada has also agreed to provide $150 million to support healing, wellness, reconciliation, protection of languages, education and commemoration activities, as well as $235.5 million to support research, education, and preservation of the history of the Hospitals. Indigenous Services Canada will also be provided $150 million to extend existing mental health and wellness supports to Hardy class members. This approach builds on lessons learned and effective practices for supporting survivors and their families in previous settlements.

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