The Morrison Government has announced new providers who will deliver an enhanced Harvest Labour Services (HLS) and National Harvest Labour Information Service (NHLIS) from I July 2020.
Minister for Employment, Skills and Family Business, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, said the successful tenderers will also expand delivery of the service to more horticulture areas across the nation.
"The reformed Harvest Trail Services and National Harvest Trail Information Service, in expanded Harvest Areas, will be better streamlined which will allow growers and Australian job seekers to access greater benefits from the service," Minister Cash said.
"As part of the reforms the Harvest Trail website has been improved so job seekers, working holiday makers and employers can easily see what jobs and services are available.
"The Morrison Government is committed to ensuring job seekers in regional Australia can find work. Expanding the Harvest Trail Service to six new locations will help this goal."
Minister Cash said the reforms will increase employment outcomes for job seekers on income support by enhancing incentives for providers to place Australians looking for work into seasonal vacancies.
From July, Harvest Trail Services Providers will be able to claim four, 12- and 26-week outcomes for supporting Australian job seekers into harvest jobs.
"Employer demand for Harvest Labour Services is strong with 20,140 placements achieved in 2018-2019," Minister Cash said.
"It's crucial that we support our farmers through what has already proven to be a difficult season. Now, more than ever, farmers will need workers on the ground to ensure a successful harvest.
"In addition to attracting people on temporary visas with working rights, providers will match more seasonal work vacancies with Australian job seekers to meet peaks in demand across more harvest locations in Australia.
National contact and communication centre for harvest employers and job seekers, run by the Harvest Trail Information Service provider, MADEC, will provide up to date information regarding harvest-related work opportunities across Australia, including in areas not serviced by Harvest Trail Services providers.