As put by Detective Senior Sergeant Karen Simmons
Police want everybody attending Electric Avenue to have a good time, but ensure they are safe too.
There will be a Police and Security Team presence at the event to keep you safe. Please talk to us if you have any concerns about your own or someone else's safety or wellbeing.
Look after your mates. Make sure you have an agreed meeting point in case anyone gets lost, and a fully charged mobile phone.
If you are drinking alcohol, eat before you attend the event and have a glass of water in between alcoholic drinks. Never leave your drink unattended and make sure to never take a drink you have not personally seen poured.
Know Your Stuff will be at the event, however Police advice remains to avoid taking any drugs.
Have a plan to get home safely after the event, and if you are observing anything where you or somebody else is in danger, call 111 immediately.