Have You Locked Your Doggie Door?

With the recent news of a spate of 'doggie door' robberies, the City of Stonnington is encouraging all residents with a doggie door to stay vigilant.

A total of 78 home burglaries were recorded in the past three years in Melbourne's inner south compared with 22 over a period of seven years before that, the surge reported as being driven by the intruder gaining access to the property via the dog door.

City of Stonnington Mayor Cr. Melina Sehr said she is concerned by the increase in burglaries in the area via this method.

"Council shares the responsibility of ensuring our residents are safe through the coordination of local and state laws, and will work with Victoria Police to inform the community of emerging safety issues while creating a safer environment", she said.

Some doggie doors are the same size as a small person, and an unlocked doggie door can be an invite to intruders into your property.

Have you checked whether an intruder could reach through your doggie door to unlock your door?

Stay aware. Avoid the scare.

For support and advice about preventing home burglaries visit Victoria Police.

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