The Australian Human Rights Commission is inviting submissions to inform the development of a National Anti-Racism Framework.
The Framework will be a long-term, central reference point to guide actions on anti-racism and equality by government, NGOs, business, communities, and other sectors.
National Race Discrimination Commissioner Chin Tan said he was excited hear the community's feedback on the proposal for the framework.
"We face many challenges on the path to eliminating racism from Australian society, but I am confident this ground-breaking Framework can give us a powerful new approach."
"I encourage everyone to have their say on the Framework and ensure their voices are heard."
The Commission's Concept Paper outlines proposed principles, strategies and outcomes that will be further developed through scoping consultations and the submissions process. A Submissions Guide provides more information about the submissions process and early findings from consultations.
The Commission is seeking submissions from people with expertise and knowledge of anti-racism. This includes people with lived experience of racism; First Nations peak and community organisations; migrant, refugee and settlement peak and community organisations; researchers; human rights agencies; and government agencies.
Submissions are open from 21 October to 15 December 2021. The Commission is seeking feedback across a range of areas, including:
- Guiding principles for the Framework
- Outcomes the Framework should seek to achieve
- Issues the Framework should engage with, and strategies for addressing these
- Best practice examples of anti-racism initiatives
The Commission invites submissions in any language and in any format including writing, audio, video and images, subject to its Submissions Policy.