The Geographical Names Board (GNB) is seeking community feedback on a proposal by Shoalhaven City Council to create a new suburb named Badagarang in the Moss Vale Road Urban Release Area.
Acting Chair of the Geographical Names Board Thomas Grinter said the Board was encouraging community comment before considering the proposal.
"We want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to provide their feedback on the proposed suburb name and amendment," Mr Grinter said.
"It is important suburb boundaries are easily identified and interpreted by the community to prevent confusion."
The proposed new suburb is located north of Bomaderry Creek and will amend the existing suburb boundaries of Camberwarra and Meroo Meadow. These suburbs will be retained reflecting the longstanding rural history and use of the area.
Shoalhaven City Council developed a short list of names between 2020 and 2021 using local history resources and interest groups.
The short list was refined to two options and following a community consultation process by council in November 2021 the name Badagarang was identified as the preferred option.
The proposed name is pronounced "Bada-garang" and is from the local Aboriginal language group Dharawal. Badagarang means Eastern Grey Kangaroo, a totem of the Dharawal people.
The name was chosen in consultation with the Nowra Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) and Shoalhaven City Council's Aboriginal Advisory Committee.
The proposed suburb captures the two urban release areas of Moss Vale Road North and South.
Shoalhaven City Council anticipates the new release will be delivered across the next 10 to 15 years and will contain space for retail and services and a range of housing types. As a result, a new suburb is needed to support the new community.
GNB is seeking feedback to gauge community sentiment for the proposed names. Suggestions for alternative names is not being sought at this time.
Details of the proposal can be viewed and submissions lodged on the Geographical Names Board's website:
Alternatively, written submissions may be mailed to the Secretary, Geographical Names Board, 346 Panorama Ave, Bathurst, NSW 2795.
The closing date for submissions is 14 June 2022.