The Victorian Government has released a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) which proposes amending the Gas Safety (Gas Installation) Regulations 2018 to mandate Australian Standard 4575 (AS 4575) for Type A appliance servicing.
In Victoria, there is currently no mandated minimum standard for the servicing of gas appliances, including gas heaters.
The mandated standard would reduce the risk to householders associated with ineffective servicing, including carbon monoxide poisoning.
The RIS was developed by PricewaterhouseCoopers and informed by consultation with key stakaholders and is available for public consultation on the Engage Victoria website.
The RIS identifies the preferred approach to implementing AS 4575 as mandating compliance with AS 4575 for Type A gas appliances as well as requiring gasfitters to submit a record of servicing to the Victorian Building Authority within five days of completing the work.
This is the preferred option as it is expected to provide the greatest net benefit and delivers on the government's objectives in relation to improving the safety of Type A appliances as well as improving regulator information and industry transparency.
The RIS also includes the draft amendments to the Gas Safety (Gas Installation) Regulations 2018, which are necessary to introduce the preferred option.
You are invited to review the RIS and make a submission until 22 March 2022, 5pm.
Submissions will be used by the Victorian Government to make a final decision.
Unless you would like your submission to remain confidential, all submissions will be treated as public documents and may be published online.
The feedback from all stakeholders will be considered throughout April 2022.