Health Key to Asia-Pacific Economic Revival


"Health is not merely a public concern; it is a fundamental driver of economic stability."

At the APEC Health Working Group meeting this week, we discussed the health of our people under the theme "Building a Sustainable Tomorrow," hosted by the Republic of Korea. This theme encapsulates our shared vision of creating resilient health systems that protect our populations and foster economic prosperity across the Asia-Pacific region. Participants acknowledged the pressing health challenges that still affect our communities.

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that health is not merely a public concern; it is a fundamental driver of economic stability. The region is at a critical juncture. Activities undertaken by the Health Working Group will contribute to Korea's priority of 'Prosper' to address pressing global issues such as climate change, food security, health, and demographic shifts.

Korea's leadership this year emphasizes sustainability, and our efforts align with this vision. We must focus on three key priorities: one, strengthening global cooperation for responding to health crises such as future pandemics; two, achieving Universal Health Coverage through Digital Technology; and lastly, shared prosperity through overcoming health challenges.

These priorities are not just health objectives; they are essential for economic recovery and growth. Digital health can enhance access to care, mental wellness is vital for a productive workforce, and effective vaccination programs are crucial for maintaining public health.

Let us build on the momentum we have gained. The statement issued by APEC member economies at the 14th High-Level Meeting on Health and the Economy in Lima last year establishes a set of guidelines and priority issues for resilient health systems.

Now, it is time to operationalize this vision by adopting interoperable health technologies that empower both patients and providers. We must also prioritize investments in mental health and commit to universal health coverage, ensuring that no one is left behind.

Collaboration is key. Our partnerships with the World Health Organization, the private sector, and other APEC fora allow us to amplify our impact. By sharing best practices and learning from one another, we can innovate and adapt effectively.

The Asia-Pacific region is poised for economic growth, but our potential depends on the well-being of our people. A healthy population drives trade, innovation, and sustainable development. As we work toward the Putrajaya Vision 2040, let us strive for health systems that are proactive and exemplary.

In closing, I urge each of us to act with urgency and unity. The decisions we make will shape a future where health and prosperity are interconnected. Let's seize this moment to build a sustainable tomorrow-one where every economy thrives because every individual flourishes.

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