This week marks National Dental Hygienist Week™, sponsored by the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association. This week offers the opportunity to acknowledge the outstanding work of Canada's dental hygienists in providing safe, quality care to help keep our teeth, mouth, and gums healthy.
This year's theme is "Oral Health for Total Health". Regular visits to an oral health professional have proven to not only reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease but also other serious health problems, such as cardiovascular disease and stroke. Oral health is fundamental to overall health. Dental hygienists in particular play a vital role in delivering preventative care and, help raise awareness on the importance of good oral health.
The Government of Canada shares a common goal with dental hygienists across the country - to increase access to oral health care in Canada to improve health and quality of life and reduce the burden of preventable diseases on our health system.
In December, the federal government launched the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) to help make dental care more affordable for up to 9 million Canadians. 1 in 4 Canadians have said they were unable to visit an oral health professional because they could not afford it. We want more people to be able to access the critical care that oral health professionals provide to Canadians. More than 1.6 million Canadians have now successfully applied to the CDCP. By May 2024, many Canadians will be eligible to begin to receive oral health care.
I appreciate and thank oral health providers, including dental hygienists, who will deliver care to CDCP members. In doing so, they are playing an important part in more equitable access to oral health care. I want all oral health professionals to be well-informed about the CDCP and supported with information and resources. Check our website to learn how to participate in the CDCP, and Sunlife's website for additional resources about the plan and to confirm your participation.
More oral health care will lead to better health outcomes for all Canadians. This National Dental Hygienists Week™ I want to thank all of Canada's dental hygienists for your important work and your contribution to Canadians' overall health and well-being right across the country.
The Honourable Mark Holland, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Health