We want everyone to be heard, seen and welcomed in our community. That's why Kempsey Shire Council has developed a new Disability Inclusion Action Plan. With your help we can create a more inclusive and accessible community for people with disability, like Sally.
Sally lives in Macleay Options' Supported Disability Accommodation property in East Kempsey. Her passion is country music, and attending the Tamworth Country Music Festival is high on her priority list. Sally often needs to rely on her walker or a wheelchair to assist her with mobility. She has friends or support workers help with transport, as she is not comfortable with taking taxis or public transport. Disability parking spots close to venues' front doors ensure she is able to safely navigate between her transport and her seat at the entertainment. Being able to get out and about in the community ensures Sally has a healthy social life, making her happy and allowing her to feel included.
What do you love about Kempsey? Where is your favourite place to visit?
My friends! I like to go to Smithtown Bowling Club for country music.
When going to listen to country music at clubs and other venues in the Macleay, what's important to you?
I need whoever is taking me to be able to park close to the venue as I can't walk very far and need to be pushed in my wheelchair. Smooth surfaces at the showground or in car parks make life easier for us all.
What would improve your transport experiences?
Covered walkways would be great, because in the rain it's a bit awkward to have an umbrella up while someone is pushing my chair. We usually just have to wait for the rain to stop.
What are the small things that bring you joy each day?
Coffee with my friends and housemates.
What would help you live your best life?
If people took the time to listen to me and try to understand me and my disability.
Our Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Council adopted its Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2025 at the Ordinary Meeting on 17 May after extensive engagement with staff, key groups and the community.
The plan was launched by Paralympian Ellie Cole in Kempsey at an event on the morning of Thursday 26 May where staff were joined by community members with disability and disability advocates to hear Ellie talk about her life and achievements.