On February 4, Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth had a constructive introductory call with Panama's Minister of Public Security, Frank Alexis Ábrego. Secretary Hegseth emphasized that his top priority is to safeguard U.S. national security interests under President Trump's leadership, to include ensuring unfettered access to the Panama Canal and keeping it free from foreign interference. He and Minister Ábrego reaffirmed our countries' commitment to the defense of the Canal, and they agreed to expand cooperation between the U.S. military and Panama's security forces. Secretary Hegseth stated his appreciation for Panama's efforts to stop transnational organized crime and illegal migration, and for Panama's willingness to accept third-country migrants from the United States for repatriation to their home countries. Secretary Hegseth and Minister Mulino agreed to remain in close communication and to make plans to meet in person in the near future.
Hegseth Talks Security With Panama's Minister
U.S. Department of Defense
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