Help Us Digitise Over-the-counter Services

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Government is expanding its war on red tape by today opening consultation on the digitisation of public over-the-counter services.

The consultation will guide a refresh of the strategy Our Digital Future, which supports the development of 'anywhere, anytime' public services.

Minister for Innovation, Science, and the Digital Economy, Madeleine Ogilvie, issued the invitation and released a discussion paper today during Tas Tech Fest 2025, an industry conference organised by TasICT.

"We're proud of our recent digital transformation projects, including MyServiceTas and the Statewide Wi-Fi Access Program (SWAP), and we're setting our sights on further reform," Minister Ogilvie said.

"If you currently do business with the Government over a counter, and you think that that business can be digitised, we want to hear from you.

"Apart from delivering savings in time, effort, and out-of-pocket costs, 'Anywhere, anytime' services will also enable Tassie startups to step up and power those new services.

"We launched our digital transformation strategy in 2020, before AI and automation became so big, so this is a timely refresh."

The discussion paper can be found on the website of the Department of Premier and Cabinet located at

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