Helping Celebrate Tasmania's Multiculturalism

Tasmanian Government

Up to $40,000 in funding is on offer for multicultural festival event organisers to help bring Tasmanians together and foster greater cultural awareness and social cohesion.

Acting Minister for Community Services, Jo Palmer, said applications for the Multicultural Community Festivals Small Grants Program 2024-25 are now open.

"The Tasmanian Government is committed to celebrating the culture and traditions of the many diverse communities that make up our multicultural island state," Minister Palmer said.

"This new grants program aims to support multicultural festivals and events across Tasmania, with a focus on supporting new and emerging culturally and linguistically diverse communities."

Eligible applicants, who partner with their local council, can receive up to $5,000 in funding for their multicultural festival or event.

"This is a partnership program with local councils, so multicultural organisations have the opportunity to increase resources for the festival or event," Minister Palmer said.

"As part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future, we want Tasmania to continue to be an inclusive and respectful multicultural island where all Tasmanians feel like they belong and can contribute, achieve and succeed."

Applications close on 15 April 2025.

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