Helping Landholders Rejuvenate Native Habitat

Lower Beechmont NCAP property after 36 months

Residents who want to complete conservation projects on their property are being urged to put up their hand for the Nature Conservation Assistance Program.

The City of Gold Coast is calling for expressions of interest - from landowners with larger patches of bushland which are suitable for restoration - for financial assistance to help undertake bush regeneration projects.

"We are committed to improving and enhancing our environment, and restoring small sections of land or waterway can have positive effects on the surrounding habitat," Mayor Tom Tate said.

"The Nature Conservation Assistance Program allows landholders to hire contractors to help rejuvenate an area and teach them techniques to continue other habitat restoration projects throughout their property.

"Each project is chosen because it will also have a positive effect on the surrounding environment.

"Since the program started in 2013 more than $1 million has been allocated to more than 150 projects and more than 400 hectares of land has been revitalised.

"This is just one way we are protecting and enhancing our natural environment under the Our Natural City Strategy."

This year up to $150,000 will be shared between the successful nature conservation projects.

Projects eligible for funding include:

  • Environmental weed control and bush regeneration
  • Planting of local native tube stock to restore a degraded area
  • Establish vegetation corridors
  • Rehabilitate the banks of natural waterways.

Expressions of interest open on Monday 1 July and will continue until 3pm, Sunday 14 July.

Once an expression of interest is lodged, a site visit is conducted to discuss the potential project before an application is submitted.

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