Helping Macleay Valley To Stay Afloat In Flood Times

Kempsey Shire Council

Local councils, as the level of government located in community, play a key role in times of emergency, taking on both practical and administrative functions.

In times of flood, Kempsey Shire Council swings into action from the very first alert from the Bureau of Meteorology, working alongside other agencies and levels of government to help keep the community safe and minimise damage as much as possible.

On the Mid North Coast, the State Emergency Service (SES) is the lead agency in floods, providing up to date information on the situation as it develops.

In times of flood, Council staff:

  • Open and close the flood gates, according to a set of triggers and protocols which have been established over many decades of flooding.
  • Manage bridge and road closures with the help of community members and flood cameras. Staff put up road closed signs, update the Live Traffic site, and when the waters have receded, clear roads and bridges of debris and check for safety before re-opening.
  • Make themselves, machinery, sandbags and other resources available to other agencies to assist in clean-up operations and protection of community assets.
  • Keep the community updated and informed by sharing information on our social media pages and other communication channels.

Kempsey Shire Council is an integral part of the Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC), a group which includes the SES, Emergency Services and government agencies.

During an emergency, the main purpose of the LEMC is to facilitate communication between emergency services, levels of government and the community, and coordinate emergency management at a local level.

Council staff are proud to contribute their time and expertise to supporting and protecting the community during times of flood and other emergencies as they occur.

As Mayor, and someone who has grown up in the Macleay Valley, living through bushfires, floods and even a pandemic, I am proud to represent an organisation which cares about its community and works hard, even in challenging times, to keep our people and assets safe.

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