Helsinki U. Names 30 Under 30 Visionaries

University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki's 30 under 30 list, published at Kipinä Future Forum, includes researchers, entrepreneurs, social commentators and opinion-makers.

(Image: Rosa-Maria Vuori)

On 13 February 2025, the University of Helsinki's Kipinä Future Forum published the first list of 30 promising individuals aged 30 or under from different domains. Featured on the list are students, researchers, entrepreneurs, social commentators and opinion-makers, each with ties to the University.

The listed talents are united by not only their active contributions to the world but also their commitment to positively impacting their community and society. The list includes a photographic artist, a doctoral researcher in new language learning, a health-tech growth entrepreneur, an animal rights activist and a pastor.

"The list was compiled to highlight the varied impact of young people from our multidisciplinary University on different walks of life. We wish to bring to the fore young people whose work, research or other activities have impressed and inspired. The aim is also to encourage both current and future students to see the multitude of ways in which the knowledge and skills acquired at the University can lead to opportunities," says Rector Sari Lindblom.

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