Helsinki University Boosts Research Security

University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki takes research security very seriously. As a representative of Universities Finland UNIFI, Vice-Rector Anne Portaankorva is helping to draw up recommendations for responsible international engagement. The University has also piloted a unique risk assessment tool.

The changing geopolitical situation requires increasingly intense monitoring and responses with regard to research security. In the past few months, the University of Helsinki has indeed paid more attention to the topic, taking measures to improve research security.

This important topic was also highlighted in a Finnish-language news item published on 11 March by the public broadcaster Yle, which stated that Finnish universities have collaborated with the Chinese BGI Group. According to the piece, the group's subsidiary BGI Tech Solutions is included in a list of entities that threaten national security in the United States. The University of Helsinki has also used the services of BGI Group.

Collaboration with BGI Group suspended

Individual research groups at the University of Helsinki have purchased gene analyses from BGI Group.

"We have complied with the principles of research integrity in this collaboration and ensured that the relevant research permits have been applied for and granted. Research ethics have also been taken into consideration in the permits," says Vice-Rector Anne Portaankorva, who oversees research at the University of Helsinki.

In recent years, the services purchased from BGI Group have been linked almost exclusively to plant and laboratory animal research. Based on current knowledge, no studies of samples of human origin have been commissioned since 2023.

Individual researchers or research groups may have submitted small quantities of samples of human origin for analysis. There are always compelling reasons for such cases, such as looking for the causes of serious diseases to develop new therapies. Consent from the relevant individual is always required for analysing samples of human origin.

"The University complies with Finnish and EU regulations and guidelines in both the procurement of services and the processing of research data. We have not been aware of any grounds for prohibiting research groups from purchasing services from BGI. In light of the new information, we have now decided to suspend procurement from BGI Group until the matter has been thoroughly investigated," says Portaankorva.

All research groups purchasing services from abroad must naturally ensure that they are operating responsibly. The large number of service providers makes it difficult for researchers to assess the reliability of individual service providers. While collaboration with Finnish service providers in genetic research is possible, their capacity poses a challenge. Production costs are also considerably higher in Finland.

"We will also discuss the matter with the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service, including in relation to their National Security Overview published in March 2025," Portaankorva adds.

A unique risk assessment tool for researchers

The University has incrementally strengthened its services relating to the safety and security of international operations. A unique web-based tool for assessing risks in international operations has been developed at the University. The tool was piloted in 2024 and has since been presented extensively in Finland and abroad. Deployed in early March, the tool is particularly recommended for critical research fields, including biotech research.

"We are seriously considering introducing the tool as a compulsory part of the preparations preceding research project launch. This way, we will also respond to the future demands of funders to take international security into consideration," notes Portaankorva.

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