Heritage Victoria Permit Approved for Lake Lighting

Ballarat's Lake Wendouree and Victoria Park Lake lighting Project has been granted a permit from Heritage Victoria for the installation of lighting in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens precinct which is a Heritage Victoria listed site.

The $2.5million State Government-funded project proposes to deliver more than 220 lights around the Steve Moneghetti track, providing extended hours for the lake's 345,000 annual users and increased opportunities to host twilight community events.

The Heritage Victoria permit included a public advertising period with signage on site.

The Heritage Victoria permit includes approval for the design and choice of light fittings chosen for the Lake Lighting Project along the Steve Moneghetti Track in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens precinct.

Two demonstration light pole designs were trialled at Lake Wendouree over Summer. Community feedback coupled with advice from the City's Parks and Gardens team, sought a change to the colour of the lights from grey to moss green to better align with other street furniture and existing lighting in the precinct.

Member for Wendouree, Juliana Addison said the Heritage Victoria permit outcome and further application for a Planning Permit will now be referred to Ballarat City Council for a decision at the Planning Delegated Committee meeting on Wednesday 13 October 2021.

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