High Range Speeding At Dalby

A 49-year-old Mudgeeraba man has been fined $1,854, lost eight demerit points and had his licence suspended for six months after he was detected speeding at 147km/h in a 100km/h speed zone at Dalby.

It is alleged Toowoomba highway patrol officers saw the Lamborghini speeding along the Bunya Highway shortly before 12pm while they were conducting proactive patrols on March 15.

In 2024, 303 lives were lost on QLD roads, including 59 in the Darling Downs District.

So far in 2025, 47 lives have been lost on Queensland roads including 6 in the Darling Downs District.

The fatal five, including speeding, continue to be leading causes of fatal crashes.

Toowoomba Highway Patrol Officer in Charge Senior Sergeant Kim Hill is urging motorists to slow down to help prevent any more tragedies in 2025.

"Travelling at excessive speeds such as this is inexcusable and has been proven to risk your life and the lives of those around you."

"Police will continue to adopt a zero-tolerance policy of unsafe driving to deter these behaviours, that includes those travelling on our rural roads and highways.

"We want to remind motorists that road safety is everyone's responsibility, so slow down so that you and everyone else around you can get to where they need to be safely."

The Queensland Police Service is committed to reducing the number of lives lost on our roads.

Data shows that serious crashes can be significantly reduced when drivers recognise and avoid the 'Fatal Five' behaviours: speeding, drink and drug driving, not wearing seatbelts, fatigue and distraction.

Road safety is everyone's responsibility. Learn more about staying safe on Queensland roads: https://www.police.qld.gov.au/initiatives/fatal-five-staying-safe-roads

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