As a school counselor, you have so many important priorities to juggle. Now more than ever, your students want information about the college admissions journey, and they depend on you to demystify the process, explain the Common App, review the financial aid application (FAFSA), critique a personal statement that will appeal to admissions representatives and more. That's a lot to handle!
Successful college counselors have discovered that a partnership with UC Admissions puts needed info into the hands of students.
- During UC Preview Sessions, the entire application process is reviewed for every family. While your students are on campus, they can meet with an admissions counselor to address any questions or concerns they may have regarding the application process. Students can register for an in-person or virtual experience to learn more about UC and the admissions process.
- Families and counselors do not need to have an appointment to contact our admissions staff. You and your students can
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