High Visibility Mobile Traffic Operation

Police from Scottsdale and Northern Road Policing Services conducted a high visibility mobile traffic operation on the Tasman Highway between Scottsdale and Weldborough yesterday between 8.30am and 4.30pm.

During the operation police detected:

  • 23 x speeding drivers - the highest being 123km/h in 100km/h zone
  • 1 x motorist not wearing a seatbelt at Weldborough
  • 1 x child (under 16) not wearing a seatbelt at Legerwood. The child was travelling in a ute which was issued a defect notice, and towing an unregistered trailer.
  • 1 x perform u-urn on double white lines
  • 1 x suspended driver at Tonganah
  • 1 x disqualified driver at Scottsdale, who was driving an unregistered vehicle.

Inspector Nick Clark said, "Tasmania Police urge all motorists to remember the fatal five whenever you are on the road."

"Our rural road policing operations can take place any day and at any time, and we will continue to remove unsafe motorists from the roads."

"If you have dangerous driving behaviours, it's time to reset them now."

"Slow down, buckle up, pay attention, and ensure you're licensed and your vehicle is roadworthy."

"Please do the right thing to help us keep everyone safe on the roads."

If you witness dangerous driving behaviour and have dash cam footage or other evidence, you can upload it to the dangerous driving portal: https://taspol.au.evidence.com/axon/citizen/public/traffic_complaints, or you can report it to Tasmania Police by phoning 131 444 or via Crime Stoppers Tasmania on 1800 333 000 or via www.crimestopperstas.com.au.

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