Hinchinbrook Emergency Alert Issued: 7:40 AM, Feb 2

An EMERGENCY ALERT has been issued at 7.40am Sunday 2 February 2025 by Hinchinbrook Local Disaster Management Group.

This is an EMERGENCY WARNING TO TAKE SHELTER NOW from Hinchinbrook Local Disaster Management Group for INGHAM area. DANGEROUS FLOODING happening now. Ingham Pump Station forecast to reach 15 metres by early afternoon, 2 February 2025. 1967 floods peaked at 15.2 meters. EVACUATION CENTRE HAS CHANGED to Cyclone Shelter at 12 Menzies Street.

If it is too dangerous to leave, get up as high as you can. Listen to local radio or go to https://disaster.hinchinbrook.qld.gov.au/.

Stay up to date with the latest warnings from the Bureau of Meteorology via bom.gov.au/. For flood assistance, contact the SES on 132 500. In a life-threatening emergency, dial Triple-Zero (000).

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