Historic Asbestos Exposures At ABC


Recently there have been reports of asbestos related illnesses from former ABC staff.

This is a stressful time for workers, exacerbated by a lack of information. We are working closely with the ABC to ensure they provide support to current and former staff who may be reeling from this news, or worse, dealing with the tragic consequences of asbestos related disease.

This afternoon CPSU delegate and HSR Peter Drought and CPSU representatives met with the ABC. The urgent priority is to ensure all current workplaces are safe, and any buildings or equipment containing asbestos are recorded, appropriately controlled, and not a risk to staff. Following this, all known potential exposure sites must be monitored, regularly assessed and reviewed.

You will have received communication from the ABC's Managing Director today which outlines the initial steps the ABC is taking to manage this issue and provide support to anyone who may have been impacted. We will keep you informed as more information comes to light. The ABC has set up a range of services and I encourage you to access this support.

In the meantime, please look after yourself and each other, and reach out if you need any help or support.

Jocelyn Gammie

ABC Section Secretary

Our Member Service Centre is available on 1300 137 636 from 8am - 8pm (AEDT) Monday to Friday

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