Historic trade agreement delivers for Australian farmers

The signing of the Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement heralds exciting new opportunities for Australian farmers and a deepening of the relationship between two countries with a long history.

The trade agreement is the first reached by the United Kingdom following its separation from the European Union last year, and will guarantee tariff-free, quota-free access to the UK market for all Australian agricultural products, after phase in periods of up to 15 years.

"Australian and UK farmers share a commitment to meeting the highest standards when it comes to caring for their land and their livestock, and that commitment shows in the quality of our produce," NFF CEO Tony Mahar said.

"UK customers will benefit from the increased availability of high-quality Australian products on their supermarket shelves, alongside their homegrown options."

Specific outcomes relevant to agriculture include:

Beef tariffs will be eliminated after 10 years. During the transition period, Australia will have immediate access to a duty-free quota of 35,000 tonnes, rising in equal instalments to 110,000 tonnes in year 10 years.

Sheep meat tariffs will be eliminated after 10 years. During the transition period, Australia will have immediate access to a duty-free quota of 25,000 tonnes, rising in equal instalments to 75,000 tonnes in year 10 years.

Sugar tariffs will be eliminated over eight years. During the transition period, Australia will have immediate access to a duty-free quota of 80,000 tonnes, rising by 20,000 tonnes each year.

Dairy tariffs will be eliminated over five years. During the transition period, Australia will have immediate access to a duty-free quota for cheese of 24,000 tonnes, rising in equal instalments to 48,000 tonnes in year five.

Australian dairy farmers will also have immediate access to a duty-free quota for non-cheese dairy of 20,000 tonnes.

Rice will receive immediate duty free access for short and medium grain milled rice when the agreement enters in force.

Importantly, the trade agreement will also facilitate much-needed agricultural labour mobility between the UK and Australia providing a new avenue for Australian farmers to fill their skilled labour needs.

"The NFF applauds Trade Minister Dan Tehan, Agriculture Minister, David Littleproud and Australia's negotiating team on valuable set of market access outcomes. The UK deal creates new opportunities for Australian farmers as we work towards growing industry output to $100 billion by 2030," Mr Mahar said.

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