History Of Windsor Bridge Exhibition Opens

This month, Hawkesbury Regional Museum launches Bridging the Hawkesbury/Dyarubbin: The History of the Windsor Bridge. This exhibition explores the history and significance of the historic Windsor Bridge, the engineering innovation utilised during its construction and the community's fight to save it.

A colour postcard showing the Windsor bridge in 1960s

Recognised as an engineering marvel, the Windsor Bridge, built in 1874, was the oldest bridge crossing the Hawkesbury River/Dyarubbin until its demolition in 2021. The 1870s bridge offered a unique insight into past construction technologies, highlighting the hazardous works associated with its development.

Adding to its fascinating history is the fact the bridge survived more than 100 floods and withstood the evolution of transport from horse-drawn carriages to modern semi-trailers, with some innovative modifications in the 1920s.

Bridging the Hawkesbury/Dyarubbin features never-before seen images and original objects from the bridge, such as a rope ladder dated to 1873 that was uncovered during the bridge's demolition. Also on display is one of three salvaged Lewis bolts, a critical component to the bridge's construction used to provide stability and strength against the powerful currents of the river.

These engineering marvels are intertwined with stories of resilience, community and place. Featured in the exhibition is a painting by local Darug artist Leanne Mulgo Watson, Ngurra bayalagulang (Meeting place), depicting elements of Aboriginal storytelling that highlight the significance of the site long before the bridge was built. This artwork has been purchased by Hawkesbury Regional Museum and will remain in the collection.

Bridging the Hawkesbury/Dyarubbin: The History of the Windsor Bridge is now open to the public daily from 10am – 4pm (except Tuesday) and will be celebrated through an opening event on Saturday 29 March.

Opening Event:

Saturday 29 March, 2pm

Hawkesbury Regional Museum

8 Baker Street, Windsor

Light refreshments provided

Bookings encouraged: https://bridging-the-hawkesbury-river-dyarubbin.eventbrite.com

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