HMCS Harry DeWolf Back From Operation CARIBBE

National Defence

Today, His Majesty's Canadian Ship (HMCS) Harry DeWolf and its crew arrived at their home port in Halifax, Nova Scotia, returning to their families and loved ones after a highly successful deployment to the Caribbean Sea.

On March 1, while sailing under Operation CARIBBE-Canada's mission to monitor, disrupt, and intercept the flow of illicit drugs in the Caribbean Sea-HMCS Harry DeWolf played a pivotal role in the seizure of 750 kilograms of cocaine. The success of the operation underscores the robust security collaboration between the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN), the United States Coast Guard (USCG), and other close regional partners.

The USCG Law Enforcement Detachment (LEDET) embarked onboard HMCS Harry DeWolf successfully apprehended this significant quantity of narcotics, valued at 26.9 million Canadian dollars, with the support of Colombian air and maritime assets. The joint effort highlights the longstanding relationship between Canada and the USCG, as well as the wider success of counter-narcotics operations involving Joint Interagency Task Force South, Operation MARTILLO, and other Caribbean regional partners.

Canada remains committed to continental security and the shared maintenance of Caribbean stability, reinforcing our dedication to protecting North American shores from the threat of illicit drugs.

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