HMCS Ottawa Back From Ops HORIZON, NEON

National Defence

Today, His Majesty's Canadian Ship (HMCS) Ottawa returned to its home port of Esquimalt, British Columbia, having completed its five-month deployment to the Indo-Pacific region under Operations HORIZON and NEON.

As part of Operation HORIZON, HMCS Ottawa and its crew conducted multinational exercises and maneuvers with Japan, the United States, the Republic of Korea, France, Australia, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, the United Kingdom and the Philippines. They participated in discussions on Women, Peace, and Security and conducted a Multilateral Maritime Cooperative Activity with the Philippines, held a port visit in Cambodia offering important first aid training to Cambodian forces, and participated in the French-led carrier strike group Exercise LA PEROUSE led by the French aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle.

During Operation NEON, HMCS Ottawa's crew identified and reported five vessels of interest-vessels that have, or are suspected of having, engaged in activity contrary to United Nations Security Council (UNSC) imposed sanctions against North Korea.

Canada's routine presence in the Indo-Pacific region demonstrates our commitment to supporting peace, security, and stability in the region. The most recent actions and international engagements executed by the crew of HMCS Ottawa have shown Canada to be a reliable and capable international security partner.

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