Hobart City Council Planning Authority Update 19 February


18-44 Napoleon Street, Battery Point (the Cartela)

The Hobart City Council's Planning Authority Committee has approved a development application for slipyard works at 18-44 Napoleon Street, Battery Point.

The proposal involves slipping the Cartela ferry at Hunter's Slipyard for hull maintenance and repairs, including replacing deteriorated planking and dumps (bolts). The hull will be covered to protect the timbers and contain dust. Work will take place Monday to Friday, 8am – 4:30pm.

The work is expected to take approximately two years to carry out. The permit does not impose a time limit on the works.

1 Peel Street, Sandy Bay

The Hobart City Council's Planning Authority Committee has approved a development application for signage at 1 Peel Street, Sandy Bay.

The proposal includes installing a 3.3m x 2m sandstone block wall at Queenborough Memorial Reserve as an interpretive sign. It will feature 12 bronze plaques listing the names and reinterment locations of approximately 1500 individuals from a recent exhumation. Pavers will be placed around the sign, which will be located next to an existing 1961 memorial.

Officer level development applications approved between 29 January and 11 February 2025

Between Hobart City Council Planning Authority Committee meetings, the City's Planning Officers are busy reviewing a range of residential and commercial development applications for Hobart.

Since the last meeting, 16 development applications delegated to council officers were approved while 20 development applications were advertised for public input.

A reminder that the Council has a planner on duty during office hours who members of the community can call through our Customer Services to check to see whether any development or work to a garden will require planning approval.

/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.