Hobart's E-bike Library: Pedal Into Future

E-bike library media op Alison Hetherington 2.jpg

Thinking about switching to an e-bike but not sure if it's right for you? Hobart's Free E-Bike Library lets you take one for a spin - completely free!

E-bikes are growing in popularity each year and offer cyclists an environmentally friendly way to travel, without having to stress about steep hills and headwinds.

Unfortunately, the cost of an e-bike can be daunting to many people. This program will allow Hobartians to borrow an e-bike for up to two weeks for free.

Participants can choose from three styles of e-bike - step-through, top bar, or cargo bike (ideal for carrying kids and groceries) - with a total of six e-bikes available.

The first round of loans is set to roll out in April, with registrations opening soon. Spots will fill quickly so sign up on the City of Hobart website to be notified when registrations open!

The City of Hobart has partnered with local bike shop Hobart Bike Hire, who will handle the management of the e-bike library.

This initiative is made possible through a $19,600 grant from the Tasmanian Government's Community Climate Change Action Grants Program 2024.

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