Hobsons Bay City Council Statement - Champion Road LXRP

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Hobsons Bay City Council is extremely disappointed in the state government's announcement that the Champion Road level crossing removal will go ahead.

Council has long advocated against the proposed closure of the thoroughfare between Newport and Williamstown, echoing the strong sentiment of the community.

For several years, Council has presented alternative options for Champion Road to avoid closing the important junction.

The state government on Thursday released new designs for the Newport level crossing removal project, but confirmed it will be "getting rid" of the level crossing, despite Council and community opposition.

Council will continue to advocate against the Champion Road closure.

Quotes attributable to Mayor of Hobsons Bay, Cr Daria Kellander:

"Our community has campaigned long and hard, and effectively been told by the state government their voice doesn't matter.

"It is upsetting and disappointing to see this divisive closure continue against every piece of public feedback that has been given.

"We will continue to advocate for what our community wants, and that is to keep this vital thoroughfare open."

Quotes attributable to Williamstown North Ward Councillor, Cr Michael Disbury:

"Our community is deeply disappointed the state government has broken yet another promise, they said they'd listen to us, but have now confirmed the Champion Road level crossing project will proceed without any changes."

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