66-year-old Kalgoorlie resident, who has survived three episodes of cancer during her life, has praised our Accommodation Lodges in Perth, saying not only were they her home away from home, but her sanctuary.
Susan Owen, who is hoping to be home in time for Christmas, said her stay at our Crawford Lodge in Nedlands in August and a recent stay at Milroy Lodge in Shenton Park were crucial to her recovery.
"I want to take this opportunity to let every country cancer patient know about the Lodges," Ms Owen said.
"Having a safe place to stay with amazing staff and facilities has made all the difference, especially because I have no family living here in WA to support me. The Cancer Support Coordinator in particular, has become like a close friend.
"For me the Lodges were more than a home away from home - they were my sanctuary and so important for my recovery."
Ms Owen was first diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 24, and again in 2017 when she was 62. It was in 2017 Ms Owen first stayed at the Lodges.
Ms Owen's most recent stay at Milroy Lodge in November enabled her to attend hospital appointments relating to a tumour detected near her jawbone.
"Having to undergo surgery with the possibility of more cancer isn't something anyone wants to face but returning to the familiarity, comfort and reassurance of the Lodges has definitely made the journey easier," she said.
Our Information and Support Services Director, Melanie Marsh said she was pleased that Ms Owen had been able to make the most of the Lodges' support services and that she would most likely be able to go home for Christmas. She also said that for many country cancer patients and their families, the Lodges can provide a comfortable place to spend their Christmas if needed.
"A cancer diagnosis is never easy, especially at this time. For most Western Australians, the holiday season means winding down and taking time off to celebrate with loved ones," Ms Marsh said.
"But cancer doesn't take a Christmas break and neither do we.
"The number of people from regional WA seeking our accommodation while undergoing cancer treatment during the Christmas period has doubled in the past 10 years.
"In 2008, we had close to 40 guests during the Christmas period and in 2018 that number had almost doubled to 75.
"This year we expect to have approximately 70 guests booked for the Christmas period."
How you can help
You can adopt one of the 88 guest rooms at our Crawford or Milroy Lodge for a year with a generous donation. Your gift will help us provide accommodation and support services to country cancer patients and their carers when they need it most.