A new Home Builder Panel established by the Tasmanian Government will enable more homes to be built, faster.
Minister for Housing, Planning, and Consumer Affairs, Felix Ellis, said the Government was continuing to pull all levers at its disposal to deliver more homes for Tasmanians.
"The introduction of Home Builder Panels will get housing out of the ground and completed sooner," Minister Ellis said.
"These Panels will guarantee the opportunity for members to quote simply and quickly, slashing weeks off the time of a home build.
"By streamlining the tender process for social and affordable housing developments, we're making sure our home builders can get on with the job of delivering homes for Tasmanians."
The new Builder Panel is the first of two that will be established to deliver the Tasmanian Government's ambitious social and affordable housing agenda.
After a competitive tender process, eight building and construction firms have been selected to form the first Home Builder Panel:
Minister Ellis said that with 40 per cent of the Government's target now delivered, it's full steam ahead on reaching the golden number of 10,000 social and affordable homes.
"Through our Government's 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future, we will continue to pull out all the stops to get roofs over the heads of Tasmanians."