Home Office Admin Review Management Under Scrutiny

UK Gov

The ICIBI invites anyone with knowledge and experience of the Home Office's management of administrative reviews to submit evidence for the inspection.

The ICIBI has begun an inspection of the Home Office's management of administrative reviews of decisions made under the Immigration Rules.

As Independent Chief Inspector, I am inviting anyone with knowledge or first-hand experience of the Home Office's administrative review process to submit evidence to inform this inspection. I would be pleased to hear about both what is working well and what could be improved in the following areas:

  • the quality, timeliness, and consistency of decision-making
  • the effectiveness of the administrative review process in identifying and correcting case working errors
  • the availability and quality of guidance and advice provided by the Home Office on administrative reviews
  • communication and engagement between administrative review teams, applicants, and other stakeholders
  • the Home Office's handling of correspondence and customer complaints in relation to administrative reviews

As I have not yet finalised the scope of this inspection, I would be happy to receive any other evidence that falls outside these areas that you consider to be relevant to the Home Office's management of administrative reviews.

This call for evidence will remain open until 1 April 2025.

Please also note that the information you submit may be quoted in the final inspection report, but it is the ICIBI's practice not to name sources and any examples or case studies will be anonymised.

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