Hong Kong, China Contributes to APEC's Research and Analysis


APEC Sec_HKC MoU_2023

Hong Kong, China is contributing USD 200,000 to support APEC's research and analysis arm, the Policy Support Unit.

The contribution was confirmed in a memorandum of understanding signed by Maggie Wong, Hong Kong, China's APEC Senior Official and Dr Rebecca Sta Maria, Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat, on the margins of the first APEC Senior Officials' Meeting in Palm Springs, United States last week.

"We recognize of the exceptional and invaluable insights provided by the APEC Policy Support Unit in various topics crucial to our work in APEC," said Wong. "Hong Kong, China is committed to support the strengthening of APEC as an institution so that we can continue to be an incubator of ideas to achieve an open, dynamic, resilient and peaceful Asia-Pacific community by 2040."

The APEC Policy Support Unit was established in 2007 by APEC ministers as the research and analysis arm of APEC. It provides around 20 policy reports and papers each year, as well as assists members and fora in designing robust, effective initiatives with measurable outcomes. Its policy research and analysis agenda is structured into three core areas:

  • trade and investment
  • innovation and digitalization
  • strong, balanced, secure, sustainable and inclusive growth.

"Reliable and high-quality research is paramount to APEC as a forum as it informs officials in formulating sound, holistic policies to address persistent economic challenges and emerging issues," Dr Sta Maria said.

"The importance of having excellent data and research has never been more important as the region faces multiple trade and socioeconomic challenges" said Carlos Kuriyama, Director of the APEC Policy Support Unit. "The funding will support our goal to deliver high-quality policy analysis and recommendations that contribute to APEC's goals."

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