Honouring Hi Waitavolo Plaque Unveiling Ceremony

Bass Coast veterans, family and representatives of Bass Coast Shire Council came together yesterday to pay tribute to the legacy of the 58/32 Battalion with the unveiling of the Waitavolo Plaque in Wonthaggi. The ceremony recognised the service and sacrifice of those who fought in the Battle of Waitavolo during World War II and served as a poignant reminder of the region's military history.

The event was a collaborative effort, with special thanks to Kevin Walsh, President of the RSL Wonthaggi, the Wonthaggi RSL, and Peter Liddle for their dedication in bringing this tribute to life. Attendees included Cr Tim O'Brien, Cr Meg Edwards, the Bass Coast Shire Council executive team, Federal Member for Monash, Russell Broadbent, and Monash candidate, Tully Fletcher, alongside members of the local community who gathered to witness this important moment.

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