Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins outscored host and 16th-ranked Stony Brook, 6-0, in the fourth quarter to rally for a 14-13 win Saturday afternoon. The Blue Jays win their third straight as they improve to 4-2 on the season. Ava Angello scored the game-winner with 59.5 seconds to play to cap a three-goal, three-assist day.
Hopkins found itself trailing 13-8 heading into the fourth, but the Blue Jays needed just two minutes and four seconds to make it a two-goal game. Lacey Downey scored twice in a 24-second span, getting a pair of assists from Taylor Hoss, to make it a 13-10 game at the 14:12-mark. Just 18 seconds later, Angello took a pass from MK Lescault and went high-to-low in the slot to pull the Blue Jays within two.
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