Hornsby Shire Council Report Shows Positive Progress

Hornsby Shire Council

performance report cover

At its General Meeting on Wednesday 12 February, Hornsby Shire Council tabled its latest Performance Report, outlining positive progress with its 2024/27 Delivery Program and Operational Plan in the first half of the financial year.

The Delivery Program and Operational Plan sets out how Council delivers services to the Hornsby Shire community and then measures its performance.

The Performance Report covers Council projects such as its park and playground upgrades at Wollundry Park, Beecroft Village Green, Pennant Hills Park and Brickpit Park; the building of four additional footpaths; the installation of gross pollution devices, and many other Council events, programs and initiatives.

The Report also covers the progress made towards transforming Hornsby into a vibrant and sustainable hub that is attractive to work and live. Following the NSW Government's announcement of its masterplan in November for the Hornsby Transport Orientated Development (TOD) Program, Council welcomed the plan's alignment with the vision embodied in its own Hornsby Town Centre Masterplan.

Major projects, Hornsby Park and Westleigh Park, are covered in the Performance Report, with both projects taking significant steps forward in December 2024. A grant of $12 million was awarded from the Australian Government through the Thriving Suburbs grant scheme to fund a Field of Play at Old Mans Valley in Hornsby Park. For Westleigh Park, the Sydney North Planning Panel approved the Development Application for redevelopment of the park.

The Report covers operational highlights such as Council's extensive community consultations to update the Community Engagement Strategy and to develop the Hornsby Affordable Housing Strategy. Residents also participated in a Community Satisfaction Survey.

"There have been some incredible achievements in the past six months in shaping the future of Hornsby Shire, from progress in shared walking and cycling paths to facilitating services to assist people from all walks of life," said Hornsby Shire Mayor, Warren Waddell.

"We're eager to continue making a positive impact in our community as we roll out the many projects and initiatives outlined in our 2024/27 Delivery Program and Operational Plan. Please continue to have your voice heard about our decisions, projects and plans through our Your Say Hornsby website."

Also at last night's meeting, Council:

  • On receiving a Mayoral Minute, resolved to advocate on behalf of the community by appealing to Australia Post to reconsider its position to maintain the essential service of a post office in Pennant Hills.
  • Received and noted the quarterly review of the budget for the period ending December 2024
  • Received and noted the contents of the Director's Report on investments and borrowings for the periods ending 30 November 2024 and 31 December 2024
  • Noted details regarding the provision of Councillor expenses and facilities for the second half of 2024
  • Endorsed the recommended minimum lot sizes for dual occupancy developments for submission to Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.

The full agenda of the meeting, along with details of each item discussed, can be found at hornsby.nsw.gov.au. The video recording of the meeting will be available from Friday afternoon.

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