Horseshoe Bay Kiosk Lease: Interest Now Open

Kempsey Shire Council

Expressions of Interest for the much-loved kiosk at South West Rock's iconic Horsehoe Bay kiosk are opening for people interested in taking on a five-year lease for the building.

If you are passionate about creating memorable visitor experiences and showcasing the best of coastal living, this is your opportunity to manage a much-loved part of the Macleay Valley Coast.
The Kiosk is in a prime location and is considered to have strong commercial growth potential. Situated on Council-managed Crown land, Horseshoe Bay Reserve, with direct frontage and views to Horseshoe Bay, the kiosk is surrounded by popular parkland and is a short stroll to the South West Rocks village centre.
The site is adjacent to a public Holiday Park and two major beach access points and is supported by car parking and public amenities. Horseshoe Bay is a hot spot for locals and visitors alike, offering pristine beaches, easy access to coastal walking trails and an inviting atmosphere.
The Kiosk at Horseshoe Bay is an essential part of this experience, providing delicious food, refreshing drinks, ice creams and a place for people to gather.
Council is seeking to identify capable and experienced café or hospitality operators, with an interest in expanding the Kiosk's services and revenue, which offers food and beverage sales to both tourists and residents.
Expressions of Interest will shortly be available through eprocure.
Proponents are invited to attend a site inspection to ensure understanding of the opportunity and constraints of the site and existing structures.
To register for the site inspection, please email [email protected]
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