Horsham Library Hosts Australian Ballet

Horsham Library was abuzz last week as it hosted five Australian Ballet Education and Outreach programs.

The events, led by Jasmine, a ballerina from the Australian Ballet, brought joy and laughter to the library, attracting an additional 100 visitors over two days.

The programs included a Seniors Workshop, which saw participation from 17 individuals over the age of 60.

Parents, teachers, and attendees alike hailed the events as a unique and wonderful experience, expressing their eagerness to participate again if given the opportunity.

Greenpark Kindergarten, one of the attending groups, described the event as a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many of their children.

The free-of-charge nature of the event allowed children who might not otherwise have the means to attend such an event to partake in the experience.

The success of the programs underscores the value of libraries as community support pillars, providing enriching experiences for all members of the community.

Wimmera Libraries extends its gratitude to everyone who collaborated to make this event a success.

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