Horsham To Host Star-studded Country Music Festival

A stellar lineup of Australia's top country music artists is set to descend on Horsham next March and bring thousands of visitors to the Wimmera.

Horsham Rural City Council, in collaboration with promoter RegFest, has announced a one-day festival on March 22, 2025 to be held at Horsham City Oval's new events stage.

The confirmed performers for Horsham RegFest 2025 include renowned artists such as Adam Brand, Casey Barnes, Amber Lawrence, Andrew Swift, Hayley Jensen, and Gareth Leach.

Up to 3000 tickets are hoped to be sold, with about 40 per cent of concertgoers coming from outside the region.

In addition to the musical performances, off-site camping facilities will be available for visitors, catering to those traveling from interstate and beyond.

Mayor Robyn Gulline expressed her excitement about securing the event, stating,

"We anticipate that this event will attract visitors from far and wide, stimulating our local economy and providing invaluable support to our local businesses."

"The festival promises to be a fantastic opportunity for everyone to enjoy great music performed by some of Australia's best country artists.

"The promoter has done a terrific job in bringing similar festivals to other regional areas in Australia including Mandurah, Wangaratta and the Whitsundays – so we cannot wait for our turn.

"The brand new City Oval stage, purpose-built for major events, will provide the perfect setting for this grand celebration of country music."

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